Sherman's Head

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I've always thought they were kind of cheesy. Yesterday changed my mind.

Recently I've been falling for a girl I haven't met and only know through RoFo, emails, IMs and subsequently, on the phone. I was already deep into infatuation with her before last night.

Last night, she logged onto IM and, naturally, I said hello. She then pops up a window I've never seen before, it asks me if I'd like to view her webcam. I pushed the button to accept and there she was. I'd seen pics before (she'd sent them to me via email and cellphone picture mail). I had heard her voice before over the phone lines. I'd seen her thoughts and words typed out onto the screen in front of me. But this... this was different.

Yes, she is pretty. I had seen that in the pictures before. But, the way she moved was what drew me in. The way her face lit up when she smiled into the camera is indescribable. I was mesmerized by this expressive face on my screen. As I watched emotions pass over her face, from a frown, to a questioning look and back to her sparkling smile I realized I was falling harder. I knew she was a real person but seeing her face move on my screen made it all the more real for me... made HER all the more real.

That's really all I have to say. Thanks for listening.

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