Sherman's Head

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Saw a free preview of Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit tonight. It was impeccable animation as usual from Aardman Studios. Wallace and Gromit movies were always reliable to me as funny and good entertainment. This movie didn't fail to deliver on that. The story was funny, as always, and the storytelling IMHO was tighter on this story than any other Wallace and Gromit movie I remember seeing. I always remember kind of feeling drowsy during some parts of previous W&G pictures and I was entirely captivated by this one. It was faster paced than previous films and the action was definitely non-stop. A few of the visual jokes were kind of risque but you'd have to be an adult to see that. Definitely good and safe entertainment for kids of all ages.

The bunnies were really cute, not in a sickeningly sweet way, but funny and clever. they definitely were outstanding as wry comedy relief in many different parts of the film. Ralph Fiennes does a hilarious turn voicing a pompous English gentleman, Victor Quartermaine. Helena Bonham Carter does a great job as the voice of Wallace's love interest, Lady Campanula Tottington.

All in all it was great entertainment and much fun to be had. I haven't laughed out loud in a theater like this in quite a while.


  • At October 11, 2005 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I saw the movie yesterday afternoon and I thought it was pretty funny too. Those rabbits were really cute! The Arclight Cinemas in Hollywood actually have on display a couple of the actual clay sets used in the movie, including one of the garden patches, and the basement with bunny cages and that bunny vacuum.


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