Sherman's Head

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Went to the Mat Kearney show at Cafe Du Nord last night with my sister. I was actually there to catch Joshua Radin who was opening. I found out about Josh on Grey's Anatomy where two of his songs, Closer and The Fear You Won't Fall. have been featured. I know it kind of seems hokey to learn about new bands through a TV show but this artist really struck me. So, I did some research and when I found out he was coming to town with Mat Kearney, I jumped at the chance to catch him.

(Justin King and I)

Justin King opened the night. He's doing a solo stint away from his band as an opener for Mat. His show was very lively with alot of what I would call "acoustic guitar gymanastics." What I mean by that is that he played a couple of instrumentals where he woud play on the neck strings of his guitar, on the body's strings and drum on the body of the guitar as well. Not to say that it was a bad thing, in fact I actually liked it. I was also impressed with the songs that he played in his set. Lyrics being a thing of mine, I was impressed with his actual songs more than just his "acoustic guitar gymnastics."

(Left : Joshua Radin and Me, Right: Priscilla Ahn and me)

Joshua Radin was awesome. Granted his set was far mellower and softer than Justin King's and Mat Kearney. In fact, he referred to himself as the "soft, gooey marsh-mellow-ey" center to their harder "rock." He was joined up on stage by Priscilla Ahn, pianist and background vocalist, and a cellist (whose name escapes me at the moment). The music was very ethereal and dream-like. Very mellow.

Mat Kearney- Funny enough I spent most of his set seated at the rear of the venue. He was a singer/songwriter act that was infused with some hip-hop elements. He sings well and plays well and then in the middle of the song he'll start rapping. I was okay with the music but, it was a bit disconcerting at first since I wasn't aware of what Mat's music was about. I did enjoy a couple of his songs. In the Middle and Nothing Left to Lose were, in my opinion, the two stand-out tracks.

So while I liked Mat Kearney and Justin King, Joshua Radin made the night for me. I really loved his music and the only down part of that night was that he only had a 3-song live EP available for sale at the concert. His indy EP, was no longer available and the new album won't be released until June, although it is available on ITunes (I may just have to break down and buy it). I was able to get Justin King's album (but not the ones with new songs he played on stage last night). I picked up Radin's EP and both King's and Kearney's album. Sample below...

Joshua Radin
The Fear You Won't Fall
Only You

Justin King (songs from his old solo album, good songs but not the ones he played in concert)
The Mill Creek

Mat Kearney
Nothing Left To Lose
In The Middle