
So you're saying to yourself:
"Self... Sherman hasn't written on his blog in like forever. I know he promises updates to it. Especially with regard to his NY/Connecticut trip, or his birthday meal or even finishing up the blog about his LA trip way back in September... But alas he fails me again. On a daily basis... Like sooooo many times before...
But, I digress, Self, because he's posted on his blog once again. Maybe this will be good. Maybe it will be special. Maybe this will be the day that he posts that climactic piece of prose that gets me to think about my life in a new way. The one that will compel me to make that move that will forever change my life and make me those millions of dollars and earn me the respect and adoration of the world. Maybe... just maybe..."
But no... Sherman will just disappoint you today, like many days before and likely many more days to come. I'm here to post a link to an auction. An auction that is over. The only thing that remains is the posting that made me laugh out loud. So here it is.
I was scanning the Food Forum on Craigslist, as I am wont to do when I am semi-bored at work. It is fun to read. I get a lot of inspiration from it. I also like to post when I have an opinion or I can help. Someone put up a post called the "Summer Sausage of Life" so how could I resist?
So now you're saying to yourself:
"Self, is he kidding me? IS HE F*ING KIDDING ME! A LINK to an auction POST about a f&#%ing summer sausage? He's gotta be off his rocker! Where's the writing? Where's my life-changing piece of prose? " (OK, maybe with less swearing)
So, yeah, it is a link to an auction. About a sausage. An auction that is over. But don't think I'm crazy. There is a story with the auction. I'd like for all of you to read it. Also check out the questions area. The questions are great and are also creatively answered. The reason I posted the link is it made me laugh out loud... at my desk... with people wondering what the hell I was laughing at. So read it and leave me a comment if you thought it was funny. Because I did, and I hope you do too.
The Summer Sausage of Life